Jaohann Majanu
A small, innocent eight year old boy was killed in the midst of gang fire last week.He was walking in-between fields with some of his friends when shots rang out. He was struck in the back of the head and died instantly while another boy was injured in the leg. His Mother ,Bozjena, who lost her husband earlier this year, is left with one small daughter, whom she fears will never be able to break the chains of this despite situation
Kinnah Niipah
Yesterday, a twelve year old girl was abducted from her small one room hut and raped. It was said that a refusal from her father to participate in surrounding mass murders brought on the attack. Earlier today the young girl ,Kinnah, was found ,dead, placed outside of her family’s hut. Villagers who spoke of the attack said that events of the kind are usual around the area when defiance is shown.
Javhaun Dijvik
A tribal elder starved to death last week after his family’s few rations of food were stolen. All of his family is in poor health due to malnutrition but Javhaun was the worst off. His family and Village are greatly impacted by the death of this wise man, he left a legacy of good choices that benefited his tribe.