There are approximately 37 million people living in Sudan. The dominant religion is Muslim and the dominant language is Arabic. Most homes in Darfur are made of mud and are nothing more than huts. The population growth is 2.73%. The literacy rate is only 46.1%; not even half.
Some of the rituals that have been going on for many years in history include things that much of the world considers inhumane and illegal. For instance, preteen girls are forced to be circumcised when they are about twelve years old. This practice makes it impossible for sexual pleasure and can lead to serious complications in the female productive organs. Many girls have gone into shock and some have even bled to death.
Slavery is also a large practice in Sudan. Tens of thousands of Sudanese people have been enslaved since 1983. Some slaves are sold for as little as $15.
As far as education and work, men are most of the workforce in Sudan. Education is not common or imaginable for most of the Sudanese people,especially not in the Darfur region.
Thousands of people are malnourished and do not have proper health regulations. There is no health or medical assistance for disease or illness.
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