Monday, June 8, 2009
Up close with Darfur crisis
Q: What struggles have you faced in your everyday life?
A: My family and I struggled everday just to survive. We never knew when the next shooting or bomb raid could go on. Just walking out of our home was dangerous. I suffered greatly with strife and knowing that I could not provide for my child. I have already lost so much. I don't know what I would do if I lost my little girl. (she said in a chilled voice).
Q: What was your first reaction when you heard the news about your husband's death?
A: I wept. My children couldn't pull me out of the despair. (she says with tears in her eyes) I knew that without him, I would barely be able to survive.
Q: Were you more concerned now about you and your daughter when you knew that there aren't any men left in the family?
A: I did feel less safe, but I knew that the women of Darfur are always in a constant worry about being raped, no matter the men that might be around.
Q: Now that you and you're daughter have escaped the terrors of Darfur, how do you think it will effect your life from now on?
A: I know that my daughter and I will be eternally grateful for our lives being spared and continue to pray for the ones we lost. Me and my daughter will be supporting aid for Darfur and pray that peace will soon be more than just a word for our beloved homeland.

Jaohann Majanu
A small, innocent eight year old boy was killed in the midst of gang fire last week.He was walking in-between fields with some of his friends when shots rang out. He was struck in the back of the head and died instantly while another boy was injured in the leg. His Mother ,Bozjena, who lost her husband earlier this year, is left with one small daughter, whom she fears will never be able to break the chains of this despite situation
Kinnah Niipah
Yesterday, a twelve year old girl was abducted from her small one room hut and raped. It was said that a refusal from her father to participate in surrounding mass murders brought on the attack. Earlier today the young girl ,Kinnah, was found ,dead, placed outside of her family’s hut. Villagers who spoke of the attack said that events of the kind are usual around the area when defiance is shown.
Javhaun Dijvik
A tribal elder starved to death last week after his family’s few rations of food were stolen. All of his family is in poor health due to malnutrition but Javhaun was the worst off. His family and Village are greatly impacted by the death of this wise man, he left a legacy of good choices that benefited his tribe.
Mortality Rates

From the year 2003 to 2007, an estimate of 6,000-7,000 violent deaths have occured. Sudanese officials say that approximately 19,500 civilians have been killed. The Colaition for International Justice believe there to be at least 400,000 deaths since the war began. About 70,00 deaths in Darfur have been estimated to those who lost their life due to starvation. About 2,000,000 people have been displaced from their homes to seek refuge in camps.
Rape has also been a serious issue in Darfur. It has been used as a weapon to terrorize families in Sudan. Almost all women and girls have experienced some sexual assault or knows someone that has.

Celebrity Influence
Below: Angelina Jolie goes to Darfur to help aid Sudan.
It's only getting worse. Reports are pouring in about
mass atrocities including children getting raped and killed.
If people are aware of the facts, I believe many will be driven to action."says Angelina Jolie.
Fewer People know of the Genocide in Darfur, much less to the true extinct of the horror, but some celebrities are using there publicity to help educate the public on this ongoing tragedy. Celebs like Angelina Jolie, George Clooney, and the bands Green Day and Fall Out Boy are speaking out on the UN’s and America’s ignorance on the subject. Jolie and Clooney have been known to take trips to some of the hard hit areas and offer their services. And band Green Day has designed charity shirts and items to raise money for Darfur, and also dedicated their version of John Lennon's of “Working Class Hero” to the awareness of Darfur.
Foreign Relations
Many countries know of the problems Sudan is facing but fail to take action on resolving them. Countless Leaders have given speeches about possible remedies and promises, but Darfur has yet to receive relief. The UN has also failed to recognize it’s responsibility as protectors and aid givers to those in suffrage. Darfur has not received the public exposure and help it needs to begin to regain and overcome it’s struggles and it is constantly being pushed to the back of the agenda for all countries.
UN Response

The United Nations has not identified the Darfur situation as genocide. United States, Britain, and the European Union all agree that immediate action needs to take place in Darfur. The UN released a 176 page report on Darfur saying that there were "mass murders and rapes of Darfurian civilians", but they could not call it genocide because "genocidal intent appears to be missing". The UN is not supporting and protecting these civilians, which is their main purpose, all because they do not consider these atrocities as genocide. Thousands of Sudanese people are dying for no absolute reason, other than the UN is too pathetic to take a stand against this slaughter to man.